Sunday, May 28, 2006

She's...walking out

Already I'm quoting the new Stills CD. The last verse of the song from today's title is:

Blow out all the candles
Let the wine flow to your brain
No ages, no one changes
No one's trying to.

Should we try to change, ie improve? Sometimes I think yes, and I've been putting a *lot* of effort into it, in various ways. But then other times, no. Other times, it's nice to just sit back and admire your hard work.

Sarah (not in the picture) and I went to Ottawa this weekend. She was running the 10K. We stayed at Anna & Fred's, where I got to meet their kittens Maynard and Veruca. Friday night was just lots of wine, and catching up. Telling our stories. Saturday, we all went to pick up Sarah's race materials; ate delicious veggie food at Table; and visited some "designer" garage sales before the race. Did you know the runners wear a chip on their shoes to track their exact start/finish time? And you can follow the runners along via the internet, and see how their time is at certain intervals. It was lots of fun, and even therapeutic, to cheer random runners on from the 200 metre mark. We were there because I got in touch with my old friend Marisa and her husband was also running the 10k (Marisa ran the 5k earlier) and that's where they agreed she'd be. It was a great spot: the runners are almost done, and you get to support them by clapping and yelling and whatnot. It feels great. One guy ran by and implored the crowd "motivate me!".

I was having a difficult time socializing (aka not having a nervous breakdown) so later Sarah, Anna and Fred and Anna's friend Vickie went out for dinner and drinks and I stayed home and watched tv. Fell asleep during the lame Saturday Night Live.

My favourite part of the day -besides the cheering- was possibly finding a big tree to sit under, near a thai statuette, where I could watch the fat black ants walk.

Today Sarah and I came back with her soccer coach, in a real Jeep, with the back open and the wind in our hair. An awesome sunny day for a jeep ride home.

I leave on Saturday for LA (work). I have lots of plans to put into action these days, and from here on in. I guess some of them are things I keep saying, and now I want to put my money where my mouth is.

I want to look into a real yoga pass, instead of paying per-class. It'll help keep my commitment during the weeks when I'm short on cash, because it will already be paid for.

I got a few girlfriends interested in going to the soccer-baseball game on Wednesday (?) so I'm happy about that. It's so bizarre: me happy to do a "sport", but I think maybe it doesn't count since it's something kids play at, no pressure.

Button and I came up with a little project that we should be working on soon.

My herbs are planted and I'm eager to see their development. My long-term goal is to become a greenthumb and have my own garden, with all kinds of plants. I know, I killed the orchid, but don't you just learn more from pain? :P

Summer is here, says Sarah, and that means one thing: Laurier Pool!!! Hallelujah.


Anonymous said...

where on earth did tom cocorran go?

Isabel said...

he's there. he just, ehem, disappeared for a while. now i put him next to Bubi, because they get along.

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