Sunday, May 07, 2006

Hey la, my boyfriend's back!

When I met you I was just a kid,
hadn’t built up my defenses,
so I gave my heart completely,
vaseline over the lenses,
memories don’t go away,
I remember every day.

I never ever stop wondering,
Wondering if you still think of us,
I don’t need a photograph,
'cause you’ve never left my mind,
No, you’ve never left my mind.
(Requiem for O.M.M.2, by Of Montreal)
In Shogun it says the Japanese "compartamentalize" certain thoughts and emotions to keep them from disturbing the other parts of their lives. I think in modern psychology this is called "disassociation" but Sarah can correct me. I also heard -from a friend who heard it from her shrink- that men are better at it naturally then women. I am actually quite good at it. Maybe it's because of my sun sign, or maybe it's because of my high levels of testosterone. How do I know I have lots of T? From the Brain Sex ID quiz I told you all to take some time ago.

The most important news today is that the man who enriches my life, surprises me constantly and makes me laugh is coming home. Oh, Tomcee, Tomcee, I have a surprise for you!!

Whenever I come home from a week away at some conference - from another Hyatt with the same layout as the last one, from another city with yet another chain of "common denominator food" that everyone can agree on, and another messy, noisy airport and a crowded flight- Tom always (except that one time he was still sleeping off the night before) has the apartment cleaned up, yummy REAL food for me, and a big hug and smile. It's perfect. And now I get to be the one waiting at home... or so he thinks! muahaha!

If only I can knock of this exhaustion from last night's celebrations so that I too don't end up sleeping when he gets back.

Button's Birthday Bash began at Les Pas Sages, on Rachel and Mentana. I got her this book Grammer Snobs are Great Big Meanies. You should get it too.

Then we went for dinner at Le Piton de la Fournaisie. I might be spelling that wrong. It's also right near my house, on Duluth near St-Hubert. Jenn, formerly of Jenn & Nick, recommended it to me, and it really was great. I also learned -from the French no less- that ginger is an aphrodisiac. No wonder sushi was such a success in the West.

The party part continued at La Tulipe's '80s night, including numerous French songs that Ben knew all the words to (???) and that the rest of us anglos sang "aaaaah! oooooh! eeeeeeeeh!" to while waving our hands to appear just as nostalgic as everyone else. It was as hot as ever in there, and even more packed than I remember from last fall. Just as great a time, and I have the foot injuries to prove it.

Ok, got to go grocery shopping with the dad now. The dad who just finished reading his first French book ever. Don't you love Quebec?


S'Mat said...

aww. AND you wrote a blog entry about me coming home! thanks pudding. muagh.
by the way, it's spelt grammar. wahahaha.

Isabel said...

I always mispel that werd.

AWB said...

...And there's gonna be trouble...

(however did that song go?)

Anonymous said...

¿Que tiene de extraño que haya leido mi primer libro en francés? Después de todo, hace solamente 36 años que estoy aquí y ¡sigo siendo un maudit anglais!

¿El libro? Monsieur Ibrahim et les fleurs du Coran de Erik Nemesouviensquoi. Breve, linda tipografÍa y esa presentación tas agradable como la de los libros en Francia, ...y sobre todo CORTO! (Después supe que lo hicieron película con Omar Shariff como M. Ibrahim)

n.b. Con gogle no hay excusas. Erik Nemesouviensquoi es Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt.

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