Tuesday, May 23, 2006

I'm so full of myself

A few things happened, on the edges.

One, as I mentioned in the Spanish post about the rain-walks, I decided to pick up a cut flower I found on the street one wet night and put it on someone's windshield. It's been so long since anything had any magical meaning in my life. I feel like I've been waiting for mystical signs that never happen, or I can't interpret them. So when I was down and out and I saw the flower I thought, oh well, maybe I can at least try to add some mystery to someone else's life (whoever found the flower on their car the next day and wondered where it had come from and what it meant).

Two, I was looking at this site that tells you who links to your blog, and I found this blog that said "Uhuhhhhh" about my old "member of the True Love Mafia" slogan (since replaced with a favourite personal request for enthusiasm). First I wanted to send the cynical author the picture I took in D.U.M.B.O, NY, that is where I took True Love Mafia from in the first place. And then I realized I have nothing to offer someone who thinks sarcasm and judging people based on their likes and dislikes are normal and cool behaviour.

Three, I had a good long conversation with my old friend Barbara last night (not Bubi, the other one). Her listening skills and her words actually refreshed my faith in belief. Belief in the merits of all the SAPPY ROMANTIC RIDICULOUS CHILDISH SILLY HAPPY CRAZY OVER-THE-TOP things that I am and that I love.


Amy said...

isabel. i wanted to leave you a computer generated anonymous flower but as far as i know, blogger dot com doesn't do emotocons. so i leave you a with some magic from someone you turned me on to:

Seeking means: to have a goal; but finding means: to be free, to be receptive, to have no goal.

not that you'll have any immediate use for this quote. but i do. and somehow, it came from you. i thought you should know. thanks.

Anonymous said...

I: There is magic in life. Only we are taught to forget it, to not trust signs, to live by the book. Bad books, anyway. We forget magic to an extent that magical-wonderful-great things just pass us by. They call it growing up. All you are, all you like will keep you alive.

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