Sunday, September 03, 2006

Osheaga Day 2 and The Rainbow

Well, that was fun. Worth the money, worth the feet and back ache. Worth the weather (which wasn't bad at all), the portapotties (also not so bad) and I don't know what else. It's actually hard to think of things that weren't great about Ocheaga. Maybe the Wolf Parade's lame sound check while they were already on stage ("this always happens to us". Um, could you figure it out then?)

The gang sans Greg (home sick, we're told) but plus "the other" Mary met for a not-so-wet music and dancing extravaganza. We were mostly on our feet today, beginning with Islands. I love the violin child-prodigies touch that I noticed when they opened for Beck too. The girl that also sings is great and I hope she gets famous soon. Neil: cute as always. Remember when we met him at the SAT, Jenn & Nick? Awesome. We were born unicorns.

We ditched the Wolf Parade (I still love the music, but the scene was too much today) to go see Final Fantasy. I have his "Peach Plum" on iTunes, care of the song sharing group. I think it was Carolyn that sent it, but I might be wrong (see more on this unusual ocurrence -me being wrong- later). Lots of fun; I think Brian likes it most. We spotted the dude from Belle Orchestre and Arcade Fire and he seemed to pretty much be everywhere we went for a while.

Best band I'd never heard live until today was The Hidden Cameras, closely followed by Bedouin Soundclash. I heard a girl say THC weren't so hot live, but she was wrawng. They were infectiously upbeat, good to hop to. I did most of my dancing to Bedouin Soundclash, though, and their ska-y, reggae-y whatever it is they do.

I saw the Belle Orchestre I can't remember when but it was at a loft party Charles invited me to. He's friends with the trumpet player, I believe. They were astonishing then and now. But I do think I prefered seeing them in the small but ample loft, filled with spider plants and smoke. The positive of today's show in comparison: less body odour! Oh, and an aside: the drummer is totally Brian's doppelganger. We have photos.

Since I'm leaving for Vegas tomorrow tres early, I had to cut out during Flaming Lips, but it was pretty much the same show I saw at Metropolis, so it was ok. They're always a blast and a great happy trip, with giant balloons and streamers. The rain started to drizzle and it felt like just a different type of confetti. I think they do more to spread a certain message to audiences than that guy Ben Lee with his "we're all made of atoms, we're all in this together" lyrics.

Superstar tonight was Kid Koala. He *is* the adorable koala, he was very sweet on the mic and he played wonderfully, including his version of Moon River.

Oh, and the rainbow! During Bedouin Soundclash, when we were all happily dancing to Maytone, a beautiful full rainbow appeared behind us. It was perfect.

an "I can sometimes be wrong" addendum to Ocheaga 1 post: Tom says a) we heard The Magic Numbers on the CBC the first time and b) I didn't ask him to download them; he just did of his own iniciative. PS I tried to buy the CD today at the merch tent but it wasn't available.

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