Tuesday, October 26, 2004

How is my new job?

(single, bilingual post)
Primero, y más divertido que lo del trabajo, fotos de mí cortando mi calabaza de Halloween y de la calabaza misma:

So... new job. First, let's get the fears over with. I must admit I am a little worried that the job is not "enough" work for me. People who know me in that way, know that I work best when I'm kept busy. Laziness is a cancer. But for now, these are just fears, since we're only in training and not actually on the job. Events International people will love to hear that we use 4D and that today... I entered old Registration forms! ooooh!!

But aside from that, the people in the office seem really nice, and fun. It's 90% between twentysomething and thirtysomething, and a good mix of women and men. They have a board with pictures of them doing all kinds of wacky stuff, so they seem like a very social bunch. Hell, there's even a "social committee". Guess who's gonna end up being on that? ;)

Así que por ahora no sé mucho sobre la realidad de esta nueva pega, ya que estoy en puro entrenamiento quizás hasta cuándo. Pero lo realmente importante, aunque no suene muy entretenido, es que es un trabajo con futuro (a diferencia del anterior, por los problemas económicos de la empresa) y el sueldo está mejor. Eso, y que la gente parece realmente entretenida. Uno todavía agradece eso, no? A nuestra edad, cof, cof. jaja

Let's show more pictures. Here I am with some people from Events, quite a while ago, when Doris was leaving. This was her goodbye dinner at the japanese restaurant, Zen Ya, (sí, Zen, ya?) on Ste-Catherine street.

The other stuff going on this week: I pressure potential renters of my apartment to make a commitment and take on my lease! I found a great apartment near work, perfect for me, but I need to find someone to take over my own apartment before this other girl rents hers out to someone else!! ack!! My advantage: I've tried this before! I could be a contestant on a reality tv show, mygod. Like The Apprentice. Who will rent out her apartment first!?

Ok, los dejo. He visto super buenas películas en video esta semana, como The Shape of Things y Les Invasions Barbars, pero creo que no viene al caso por hoy. También he visto cosas nuevas en la tele, el último capítulo de Desperate Housewives; el capítulo final de The Benefactor (nunca lo había visto); la serie del canal francés, Radio-Canada, Rumeurs; y no sé qué otro programa de detectives-que-resuelven-casos-forenses. Qué daría por volver a vivir una maratón de Friends...ah...

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