Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Good Luck Stress

Good luck can be stressful. Pre-good luck, does that sound better? It's like I was saying to Courtney just now in an email, it feels like this ideal scenario of my life right now is juuust about to happen, but until it does, I can feel my stress hormones piling up.

I spoke to the recruiter about this new job I want (really, really want/need) and she said...she SAID...not to worry, that they want to offer me the position. So I'm figuring it's a matter of days, but in the meantime, I just WANT them to stop wanting and actually make me a formal offer and make me sign a contract. This is so about-to-happen, the idea that it's possible it still might not freaks me out, no matter how much I think about things happening "for the best" and that non-desire BS. Agh.

On the other hand, I have to "talk" to this kid who's been living in my apartment for the past month. I have to do it now, because it's been seriously stressing me out. I just want to live alone. I was happy this weekend while he away, just the way it should be. Me and my space, my mess (or lack of it, heh heh), my stuff, doing whatever I want to do. Mainly, I just want to be able to sleep with my door open.

Got an email from Prague today. That's nice, but are you thinking you'll get away without sending a postcard, Grae? Ho, ho, ho, no. :)

Oh, yes, and E. wants to talk to me at work, says my boss Isabel, who's actually leaving on Friday. So, I haven't said anything at work officially since I haven't officially been offered another job. And they haven't said anything to me, although in this ideal scenario I have, they will lay me off today and then pay me the 2 weeks notice, oh yeah.

As you can see -or maybe not, since I'm not always clear at all- things are on the cusp, verge, teetering on the edge. I would like one of them to fall already, goddamit.

oh yes, tomorrow is pedicure today, hurray!

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