Monday, January 08, 2007


I want to:

* do something for Africa.

* join a club.

* start a club.

* complete my New Year's resolution (not saying, you'd have to ask)

* add something new to my CV.

* save more money.

* get my hair cut before it gets any drier (although the Pantene comb-in stuff is really great for that).


I'm glad that I:

+ did the recycling thing at work.

+ didn't date for almost six months.

+ kept going to yoga.

+ cooked my own food and fed it to other people too.

+ went to that YulBlog thing that time.

+ invited my mom to Montreal, took out that line of credit, went to visit Amy in Toronto, helped that man across the street, met the people I met... bought the CDs I bought, went to the shows I went to...

Para que sepan, el año nuevo chino empieza el 18 de febrero. Ahí sí que empieza el ciclo. Esta época, entre un año nuevo y otro, es sólo para que se vayan preparando.

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