Saturday, January 27, 2007


I took advantage of Blogger's new stuff that was in Beta for a while, what do you think? I wanted to combine the linked lists (see blogs to the right) with the option to post feeds, but that's not an available option. It would be nice to see which of those blogs over there has recently been updated, wouldn't it?

I can also show you a picture from my, ahem, archive. PhotoShare is my own word, by the way.

Anyway, I hope dividing the linked blogs by subject helps.

I'm waiting for Sarah's call now to head over to Ottawa and hang out with Anna et Fred. And their cats. We'll be watching Sarah run a half marathon in sub freezing temperatures tomorrow. Don't I miss the Chilean summer right about now.

Birthday celebrations -Parts I & II- were a huge success and I have to thank Mary & Mary, and Grae for the use and abuse of their apartments and kindness. I got lots of cozy, yummy, useful, and beautiful gifts. I replied to so many emails, I got sick of my friends "!" and ":)" I love my birthday. Which is also Grae's, Niki's, Scully's, Andrea's, Rebecca's, Liz's and Ximena's. And Virginia Woolf's, and Alicia Keys's, and Robbie Burns's. And
Corazon Aquino's too.

Besides that, things are going well. I've gotten over the new year anxiety hump and am taking things in stride and with confidence, so I'm happy. Anxiety, I figure, is great for initiating plans, but it's of no use long-term. I'm taking the long view.

Here's MSTRKRFT, Got Love To Kill, Juliet & the Licks Remix


Eve said...

That's true about anxiety. Great for motivating, bad for sustaining.

Happy birthday! :)

Anonymous said...

All Chinese look the same. Ditto for Filipinas!

La de los zapatos es Imelda Marcos!


Isabel said...

Oops! Political gaffe corrected. My apologies to the honourable Corazon Aquino.

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