Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Connect the Dots

Yo no buscaba nadie y te vi.
-Fito Páez, Un Vestido y Un Amor

It’s better to leave than to be left behind.
-REM, Leaving New York

Sometimes it is harder to deprive oneself of a pain than of a pleasure.
-Francis Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is The Night

We don’t like you; we just want to try you.
-Black Rebel Motorcycle Club

There used to be a real me, but I had it surgically removed.
-Peter Sellers

Non, je n’ai rien oublié.
-Charles Aznavour

¿Sabrá tu novia que escuchamos Morrissey?
-Leo García, Morrissey

I am blue, and unwell.
-Joanna Newsom, Peach Plum Pear
Feel free to add your own/Agrega los tuyos, si quieres.


Unknown said...

to be a member is to be a pretender, just to pretend that you don't remember
gonzalez, feist & dani/boomerang 2000

i'll never be your second best as odd as number two, the little things that just don't live a clue
carla bruni/little things

Isabel said...

Hmm, I'm always curious about who commenters are. Too bad I can't see this Isabel's profile!
Thanks for the additional quotes.

Anonymous said...

hello, beautiful
(bill murray)

no todo lo que anda errante, esta perdido.

Anonymous said...

I can't admit that maybe the past was bad.And so, for the sake of momentum
I'm condemning the future to death so it can match the past.
aimee mann/momentum

Isabel said...

Ouch. Heavy metal, Anon.

Me encantan los tuyos, Coo. Siempre aportando...

Anonymous said...

"The problem is not that we have too many fools, it's that the lightning isn't distributed right."

-mark twain

"A man's character is his destiny"


Anonymous said...

I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad. The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had.
Gary Jules (Mad World)

Anonymous said...

We all die. The goal isn't to live forever, the goal is to create something that will.
Chuck Palahniuk

Brain: an apparatus with which we think we think.
Ambrose Bierce

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