Monday, August 28, 2006

A day for goodbyes

1) My mother left Montreal this afternoon, after 23 days back on the continent. I would call it a successful trip, especially considering that when she left here on December 25, 1989, she never thought she'd come back. We wrapped it up with mass at Saint Ignatius to see everyone's favourite Jesuit Irish priest, Father Fitz. Obviously ran into Andrea MacDonald and Colleen Feeney, as well as my mother's friend Nora.

2) The fish are gone and now there's an empty space on my dining room table. I've been babysitting Annie's fish this summer. The sweet, adorable fish that brought one more stabilizing routine to my life. But alas, they're gone now, back to their home. I'll be okay.


Grace Jones said...

Hola linda. Qué bueno saber de ti a través del mundo del bló. Te mando un abrazo.

Trú lop

Anonymous said...

oohh que rapido paso el tiempo! me acuerdo que hace nada, contabas que venia tu mama...que rico que lo hayan disfrutado, que lindos recuerdos deben tener las 2 ahora, juntas en montreal, tu con ella paseando en TU ciudad, y ella viendote tan contenta alla...que bonito tan entretenido encontrarte con gente cercana, en otro lugar del mundo, me encanta eso...ojala que vengan muchos mas!!!

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