Saturday, April 29, 2006

Video & The Single Girl

I'm picking up speed. I went to yoga twice this week, after I finally got paid. Who knew participating in a worldwide genetic study could put such a dent in my finances. Anyway, I think I'll go more often this coming week too. I can still feel the wear in my muscles and I want to go until that eases. Until I'm really used to it and those muscles have redeveloped from slack-dom. Is this why other people go to the gym?

I just wish there was a multi-yoga-studio pass. You know how each studio has passes that make each class you attend cheaper than paying as you go? Well, what if -like me- you go once to Corps a Coeur (on St Denis), once to Lyne St-Roch (on St. Laurent) and once to L'Institut de Yoga & Meditation (on Mount Royal)? I think there should be a pass sort of like the Access Montreal card, that lets you get in for less in different places around town.

I'm a pretty lazy yoga-er. I went to a Yoga I class on Friday, even though that's below my level of yoga-skills. And worse than that, I faked the stretches for the half-arc. Tee hee. Karmic punishment? I forgot my mat at the studio.


After drinks with Cecilia at Réservoir, I stopped by the video store for some good old-fashioned Sex & The City. Season Four, I am disappointed to report, is STILL out. And why do they only have one copy of it, while they have multiple copies of the other seasons? What is about Season Four, my god??

Ok, but the really scary-sad thing was that the video store was PACKED with... single women. I wanted to distance myself from them ("I'm not really single; my boyfriend is just out of town") but mostly I was just amazed. I also thought how happy the guy behind the counter must have felt. He can pick up without even leaving the job.

And as a card-carrying single girl for the weekend, I dutifully picked up 6 DVDs worth of STC plus one movie Tom never wants to take out: Palindromes, by Todd Solonz. Remember that other movie he directed, Happiness? Oh, good times, with my friend Juan Luis, watching Lara Flynn Boyle throw herself on the bed and tug at her hair in the "I'm such a fraud, why wasn't I raped when I was 12" scene.

I think BOM needs to add Best Manicure, and I recommend Art Nails, on St. Denis & Marie Anne. Shu-wey!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, this video store packed with single women was... ?

Break the silence, this decent single guy (hahah) needs to know! Especially since I got a DVD player for my birthday last week!


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