Thursday, April 06, 2006

& the City

So I'm midway through Season Two of Sex & the City. I saw Season One on my laptop already. And it's a little freaky how much I identify with some of the subjects they bring up. It's weird, because I saw a lot of these episodes on actual HBO when they were aired the first time around (or second, or third) and I don't remember getting it so much. Maybe it's because I wasn't 31 then, and I think Carrie's character is about 32 in Season Two. But then again, I wasn't 31 when most of the stories I'm reminded of happened...

There's too many to go through, and, you know, I don't want them to be misunderstood. My connection to them, I mean. But sooo many!

The only thing missing from my life -now or in the past- are the Manolos, the Kate Spades, the Guccis, the Hamptons...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hola hola hola. hace mucho rato que no venia a tu blog, y me rio sola
con esto del sex & the city...dese el invierno pasado, que luke lo
graba, cada vez, porque segun el, representa totalmente a la tipica gringa
que se busca a si misma, y es un ''icono cultural''...entonces, graba

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