Wednesday, April 05, 2006

a letter to Amy

As you predicted, there was a little get-together last night, after Steve passed his comprehensive exam. He said it felt a bit anti-climatic because it isn't totally over and he still has to hand in a 12-page document. But at least he passed! Congratulations, Steve!

Brian, Brianna, Bruno, Greg, Grae, Rob, Graham, Tom and I went to Tap Room, on Rachel, and watched the Canadians beat the Bruins 5-3. I don't think I'd ever watched a hockey game at a sports bar before. It was pretty exciting actually. They even rang a bell when the Canadians scored to put themselves in the lead. We ate peanuts, everyone but me drank pints of beer (you know I don't drink beer; I had vodka tonic), and when we left after the game, Grae, Brianna, Greg and Tom had a snowball fight. I was no fun: I hid behind a stranger having a cell phone conversation at the door of the bar to avoid getting hit. And then I ran away, teehee.

Since I know you are a social butterfly, I'll tell you that the next anxiously awaited event is Brian's 24-hour birthday party this Saturday. Now THAT will be exciting. Tom's roommates are really looking forward to it too, and so is my friend Sarah. I think few people will actually make it across the 24 hours, but secretly I think if I wanted to, I could. Just tooting my own horn here, but I was always good at marathon parties when I felt like it. The secret? PACE. The more moderately you drink, the more likely you won't fall asleep before 9am.

On to other things. For lunch today I made Smashed Potatoes with Basil Pesto (that's kind of redundant, but that was the name of the recipe). I think it would have been even better with the basil from your garden. :) My own herb garden (crappy webcam photo attached) is doing really well. Tom gave me the set for Christmas. My friend Enza said she had one and they all died after transplantation (after the threat of frost, you plant them outside) but I'm hoping that's not a rule. We already killed OUR-chid Napoleon, I don't want to have some kind of gardening curse. I mean, if you can't take care of a plant, what can you take care of?

Today would have been a good day to play hooky with you and just watch the sun change position on the wall, Amy. I'm really crazy to get out of this job. I'm hugely disappointed, and... I should do like they did in that movie, what was it called ? "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to put up with it anymore!".

Anyway. Hope spring is looking better in the Greater Toronto area. Hope to see you soon.

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