Tuesday, November 28, 2006

The Personal and The Pointless

You know what I really love? A nice looong conversation about nothing. In other words, a lot about me, some about you, and in between stuff about the world in general. Nothing too controversial; just The Personal and The Pointless.

I just spent a nice little while chewing my busy friend Sarah’s ear off on the phone. I’m glad. Busy people don’t get their ears chewed off often enough.

I was confessing to Sarah how it *still* bothers me to get a Feedreader update of Steve’s blog with a picture of Tom and his post-me girlfriend Lucy on it. Luckily… luckily, the picture is so obscure you can’t see anything but still. There is that CRUNCH in my stomach as soon as I even see his name. “Is this gonna be about the T word?” Sarah asked.

I’ve taken every measure I can to eliminate Tom from my very existence; something I’ve never done with anyone before. I blocked him on messenger, I blocked his email, I deleted all links and references to his blog… I even (regretfully) stopped reading a blog he followed me onto. Now I’ve (unfortunately) deleted Steve’s blog from my Feedreader. I feel immature and unright. This is silly. And it makes it really obvious to me that I am a tiny little person who can’t even get over a stupid breakup.

Yet Sarah says she’s still bothered by a breakup that happened two years ago. And she named some other people who still get upset over their over-6-months-ago breakups. “Really?” I asked incredulously. It made me feel sad –for them- but reassured –for me- to know that I’m not the only loony who gets punched in the stomach every time I am faced with the fact that this person continues to exist.

I KNOW, it’s silly. Immature. Unbecoming. What can I do? I guess I got over other stuff, eventually, therefore I’ll get over this. It’s miserable to be soft, but if you want me to be honest and not too modest, I’m proud that I can be soft these days. Hardcore never did me any favours.
Si algo hecho de menos de vivir momentos apestosos como éste en Chile es ese vuelco medio sentimental, medio “significativo”, que se le dan a este tipo de cosas allá. Cierto, muchas veces preferí dejar eso de lado e ir al grano sin tanto tralalá, pero a veces, bueno, me gustaría poder tener la oportunidad de rechazar los mimos. Qué gusto me daría, por ejemplo, darle tres mil vueltas con las expertas: Vero, Bárbara, Tere, y ultra maestra de la conversación Pointless, Mariana Ibáñez. Jeje.


bubi said...

Amiga tu sabes siempre estoy para ti,..para las largas charlas del amor y desamor,. de los prospectos,. de los ex,. de los peor es na,...de todos los hombres que nos quitan , quitaron o quitaran el sueño,..
Besos y bravo!!!

Heather said...

Isabel, you aren't immature in the least. I so sympathize with how absolutely ravaging a breakup can be. But I admire your resilience. A lot of women wouldn't have the strong sense of self-preservation that you do and I have no doubt that will carry you a long way.

Isabel said...

Thanks, H. That's really very sweet of you to say.

Anonymous said...

isabelita...este tipo de conversaciones es tan importante, croe yo, sea en castellano o en ingles, uno necesita darle vueltas y mas vueltas al asunto,a pas posibles ociones, al ''que habria pasado'', etc...y los terminos de relaciones no se superan asi no mas, asique date tiempo y permiso, cuidate y disfruta tu compania...y si quieres hablar, feliz te escucho...

Eve said...

One day you will wake up and wonder what you ever saw in him. That will be a great day.

Isabel said...

Eve, it's not so much "what did I ever see in him" it's more "why the hell didn't I walk away when I realized that was I thought I saw was not really there at all?"

Mood Indigo said...

I didn't realize I was a reader of you both - or that I knew of (in blog land) of who you spoke.

Regardless - h is right!

Eve said...

That does make it hard.

Too bad emotions and rationality don't get along better.

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