Friday, August 26, 2005

"A real limbic brain kind of night"

This is also about how I want (how+I also looks like howl... anyway) This is also about how I want to construct my life, on a daily basis.

I am looking for bravery, in myself and in others. I'm willing to initiate the bravery factory. Don't have a problem being the trendsetter.

Doomed but Energetic. Doomed is a fact that returns to haunt me every so often and then I follow one of two paths: lazily give in to it and wallow and complain. this often produces pretty funny results that entertain people so it's not all bad. Or pump myself up with positive spin by taking a step back and making light of my doom. This is the energetic side.

Right now I want to focus on the construction of me and the bigger picture instead of trying to pinpoint *the* decision that will save my life. How could I make the wisest decision if I'm missing information about who I am and what my stengths are and what I want?

Pieces have been coming together slowly and I have a feeling they will continue dropping in a maddening pace until it's all over.

Now. Now. Now.


I am such a wuss. Who knew brain paths were so difficult to erase?

You know the sharp nostalgic feeling you get when you see something that reminds you of someone? That's the brain path at work. But then, lacking stimulus, the path fades and the "something" reminds you of the "someone" less and less until it doesn't hurt anymore, or not nearly so much.

But I am a wuss. And sometimes it seems like for-effing-ever until something doesn't remind me of someone.

Wuss. Wuss. Wuss.

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