Thursday, July 27, 2006

we've been had

so it's like they go down the list and eventually it's your turn. it's now happened where i work. they cut us off msn and sites like yahoo mail and hotmail don't seem to work. however, muahaha, blogger does.

and i just wanted to take this opportunity to sympathize with those who are already in a similar position as mine as remind you all that there are always... ways... and they can be found, for instance, on Have FUN!


Galaxy fm ® said...

Eso mismo pasa aquí donde laboro... y eso que trabajo en un periódico donde se supone debemos estar comunicados con todos a toda hora... entiendo que el messenger quite el tiempo, pero el acceso a hotmail?!?!... que barbaridad, es un abuso... estos del departamento de sistemas están cortados con la misma tijera...

Vero said...

Acá hicieron lo mismo!!!!!
Y no sé por qué mi computador se salvó. Pero claramente soy una prófuga en esta institución. Un parásito con msn...
Ni a LUN podemos entrar...
Ya no hay respeto!

Anonymous said...

check out

supports aim, icq, msn, yahoo, irc, jabber, sametime, etc.

check it out, it rocks.

Isabel said...

I tried using a web-based version of messenger and called into the principal -sorry, my boss's office. No go.

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