Friday, July 21, 2006

Limbic 2

Last year at about this time (August 6, to be exact), I was jumping over the fence at Laurier pool with Sarah, Eric and Bradon at 3 in the morning. A limbic brain kind of night, is what I called it in the post at the time.

Wednesday night was like a soft-core version of the same nature. Me and Johnnie Walker (Black Label; a birthday present from Fred & Anna. Thanks guys, I feel like you were partly there!) went over to Brian’s “house cooling” party. He’s moving on to another apartment so it was a celebration to say goodbye.

Sometime in the night, the gang moved downstairs to the pool room… There was no skinnydipping of the 2005 variety but since some of us didn’t have our bathing suits, we had a fun ol’ time in our undies. Marco Polo and I can’t remember what other games ensued. I can remember finding my clothes on the floor, sopping wet, and the sauna having no real drying effect on them. And so, I walked home at 4am, soaking wet, sloshed. Kaput. A rinsing sort of catharsis that’s much needed but only really fun if it’s infrequent (don’t argue with me, Amy; I’ve been there).

More refreshments of the soul-variety will follow. Today I get my hair cut at Pure again, with someone new: Olivier. Tomorrow I wake up insanely early to go be the drummer of Scully’s dragonboat racing team. “So long as I don’t have to do any exercise” was how I agreed. But 7:45 on Ile Ste-Helene, somebody should have told me! Luckily, my dad will come along to take photos so I will have some support there.

Last night, the Events girls and I went to a Nuits D’Afrique show: Les Amazones. It was HOT in Le National. The drummers and dancers were great, in their geometric-patterned dresses and shiny hair beads. I did leave during the intermission (that lasted 3 times as long as announced) but that’s just me. I still liked the show a lot.

And finally, today I spoke to my grandmother, who turned 95 yesterday. It’s like seeing into the future, if I’m lucky. What a full life, of travel, family, friends and FOOD! But it’s tough being old, so call and write your grandparents, they miss you.


Amy said...

la bel,

i wouldn't argue with you on that point these days. but it might be noteworthy to add that that type of catharsis is only infrequently fun FOR YOU. some people have an appetite for all the time.

it's funny: when you've been there and have come out the other side, it's easy to forget the old rational. but i remember there was one. a completely convincing one. i just feel differently now.

and i'm sure i'm in the middle of another completely convincing rationale. aren't we always?

nice bit about the g. 'rents. true and true.

Galaxy fm ® said...

Hola... hace mucho que leo tu blog... viví en Montréal en el 99 y me haces recordar muchas cosas de mi estancia allá... Tengo un blog en pañales de una estación clandestina fm de la ciudad donde vivo ( y te agregué en mis vínculos, espero no te moleste...
Un abrazo...

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