Saturday, July 08, 2006


Last night we went to a Korean restaurant, where there are burners on the table to cook your own meal. I ordered grilled fish and got two… whole… grilled fish. Mmmh. Not only that, but I had to eat them with chopsticks. I’m sure Korean girls don’t stick their fingers in the fish to get it open, like I did.

I downloaded some pictures from the loaned digital camera to show, by request. I’m no professional…

Tonight there’s a Luau for the meeting’s opening reception, so I hope we get to go and I’ll try to get more fun pictures there. Apparently everyone gets a lei and there will be a pig roast (oink! Oink!) and Hawaiian dancers. Cool.

If I’m lucky I’ll get a whole day off on Monday which I’ll use to go snorkeling at Hauma Bay.

For now, just pictures.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pobrecita mi hijita sufriendo en Waikiki!

¿Vas a hacer tabla en la playa más famosa del universo, salvo una en la segunda luna del 5to planeta de Aldebarán?

Enjoy Monday's luau, y lléva una bolsa plástica para traerme los bocados de cerdo muerto que no te comas (all of them)! Yum! Yum!

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