Friday, June 30, 2006


Hm. My other blogging friends and acquaintances seem to be poet-ing much. I may have written a poem once, when I was nine. Something about Christmas being near and it was published in the Montreal West Informer. But I have inside connections there, you see.

Anyway, this intro is just to get you to read my friend Steve's very cool, urban and actual poetry. Like JD Salinger said in my favourite story -For Esmé, With Love and Squalor- see if you can guess who I am in this tale. ;)

Please note: I have added new links to my list over there on the side. Please note: many, if not MOST, of these people have not returned the favour. I'm ashamed.

1 comment:

Ricardo said...

uh-uh... yo espero haberlo hecho... voy a revisar si te puse un link

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