Friday, June 30, 2006

hello, is it me you're looking for?

I have made a minor splurge on an answering machine. No splurge at all, when you consider that the total cost of the machine, plus 3 year store warranty, plus taxes, will come out the equivalent of only 5 months of Caller ID service or phone-company answering service. Phone companies are a rip-off.

When I sat down last night -around midnight, after The Dears at Metropolis- I felt like it was 1982 and I had no idea what message you could possibly leave on an answering machine. "Leave a message"? Too obvious, duh. Anyway, try it and see. I'm afraid the recording quality is not pristine, but it will have to do.

So, yes, last night The Dears were beautiful and brilliant. Too bad they only started playing close to 11pm. When I left, the streets were packed, so I guess I'm one of the few that has an issue with this late hour. Oh yeah, lots of people have today off. Forgot. Not me, I took my "Canada day" already. Charles (see? there you are Charles) invited me on a free ticket he got. Such connections. Ran into Chris and his band, who EVERYONE will be going to see on Sunday night. Also into les boys from the Claremont who will be lucky enough to be in town for Shane's show on Tuesday evening. I'll be in Hawaii instead, but you know I'd rather be in Montreal. Really. PS I also liked The Besnard Lakes, one of the opening bands.

Did you HEAR the clap of lightning this morning? 7:38am? Was it on the mountain?

Today would be a great day for croissants and the New York Times -paper, not online. I think I'll trudge off to work before it starts pouring again, instead.

PS: check out this guy's cool pictures of Montreal life at

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