Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Silver Spoons

I’m so not made for the suitcase/hotel life. What is this place where you don’t own anything?

I bought a salad at Au bon Pain for lunch and decided to go eat it in my room. Of course, I had to stop by the Front Desk first and get a new key since I hadn’t thought to bring the plastic card with me. They should just program their locks with a PIN. I could remember that.

Anyway, as soon as I got to my room I realized I had nothing to eat the salad with. They don’t give full service here. You have to pick up the plastic fork yourself at the same little table where you pour your own milk and sugar into your coffee and get your napkins, etc. So I had no fork.

I slipped out to the hall, waited for the housekeeper to go into a room and rummaged around someone’s breakfast tray, left on the floor for room service to pick up. Found a spoon.

I’m serious!


Anonymous said...

it's too bad you didn't get the whole breakfast. i guess a spoon's pretty good though. remember to hide it in your room so you don't need to scavange another one tomorrow! or you could get another spoon, and then busk in the halls. or even eat your next salad ambispoonsterously. i have to say, spoon is a great word. there, i've said it. wait a second, eat a salad with a spoon? is that possible? i'd thought using the tv remote or a comb or anything else would be easier than a spoon. spoons have pretty limited uses (as alanis once misironicized).but then, what do i know?


AWB said...

I remember many years ago whilst travelling on 22 and a half dollars a day through london, that all the really cheap subsidized grocery store food required utensils. a spoon was substitute for knife and fork many times, so I wish to publically thank Lan Chile for the use of the of their cuchara.

Never travel without one.


bubi said...

Amiga!!!! te pasaste!! el regalo es maravilloso,..eres lo maximo,..eres adorable,.mil besos.te adoro!!!

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