Friday, December 02, 2005

The big "D"

That's what people from Dallas think everyone calls their city. So cute... :S

So I got my luggage back! Yeehaw!

Check out this souvenir I saw today: a wooden cut-out of the state of Texas with a cast iron pistol glued to it and in black marker "We don't dial 911". Yikes!

On the personal front, I'm pretty mad that I will only get one day off after 7 on the road. Yes, of course, *this* is the way to keep and nurture your employees! Yes!

Where's my raise?


Anonymous said...

awww Texas. Pangaea to the belt-buckle, but don't say that out loud there, as belts are actually a kind of a Deifical innovation created to hold up fig-leaves (they tend to ride down, embareassingly enough). as much as i enjoy reading you Isabel, canada misses you! all i'm doing is eating pot-noodles and reading sci-fi... please come back quick...

Anonymous said...

p.s. i'm not sure Canada's more welcoming... people are hijacking tanks up here! =

Anonymous said...

que buena que encontraron tu maletaa!!!...disfruta gringoland, y disfruta mas volver a canada, yo llegue a chilito el jueves y todo es tan igual y tan diferente...raro...., se casa la sol el miercoles, y llega luke el martes, de ahi te cuento mas!!!

Anonymous said...

pon una foto del belt buckle.. yo bro

Anonymous said...

¿Y no encontraste los saleros y pimenteros de Dulles, Dallas, dále?

Despues del asesinato de JFK aparecieron con la forma de la cabeza de Kennedy y con los orificios donde le entraron las balas, ¡anatómicamente correctos!

Pero Texas y sobre todo Dallas eran republicanas y JFK era considerado un comunista. (Estos días en USA cualquiera que no está con Dubya puede ser acusado, ya no de comunista por estar passé, pero sí de terrorista o de sospechoso de serlo).

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