Mea culpa, olvide llamar a mi mama anoche. Pero a cambio, pasee 6.5 kilometros al borde del rio San Lorenzo con mi papa. Como estan divorciados hace como 16 anyos, no creo que valga pasear a uno en vez de llamar a la otra, pero yo me invento maneras de justificarme... en broma, por supuesto. Solo porque mi mama lee este blog y asi ve que hice algo util con mi tiempo.
El fin de semana de Halloween me mato a la primera. Sali el viernes y con eso no pude mover otro pie durante el resto del festivo. Quede plop. Fui disfrazada de socialite barata, que en el fondo fue ponerme la misma ropa que me he puesto para mil matrimonios, pintarme a tontas y a locas, y acarrear de utileria una de mis muchisimas copas de martini (asi me daba lo mismo si se perdia o se rompia. En realidad no me dio lo mismo, porque varias veces me resisti a entregarsela a varias personas diciendo "no, tu eres hombre, se te va a romper".)
Me perdi a mis amigos Anna y Fred disfrazados de Meg y Jack White, y a mi amigo Steve disfrazado de Kurt Cobain (lo hizo estupendo disfrazado de su polola la noche anterior, eso si).
Este noche es la de los ninos pero como vivo en edificio, dudo que se aparezcan. Aca, ademas de los dulces, uno da monedas, que se ponen en una cajita Unicef que luego los ninos llevan al colegio para su recolecta.
Estuve asomada al blog de idola Clara Szczaranski - - que les recomiendo, si no les da mucha lata el estilo abogadistico... Es como otro idioma el que hablan en el mundo juridico, pero tiene su gracia igual.
Monday, October 31, 2005
Said Isabel 5 comments
Monday, October 24, 2005
Is this legal?
I'm trying something new, an option to share songs with everyone over my blog. Here's a Beatles song to start the trend. Please note: it only works for 7 days or 25 downloads, whichever comes first, but I can renew it if it's popular. I'll be uploading new songs if it works out, too.
The Beatles, I Should've Known Better
Movies on the brain. So I did see all those movies from the Nouveau Cinema fest this weekend, except Montreal Main. I also rented Lords of Dogtown, which has been appearing in my mind's movie screen intermittenly ever since. The one I most recommend is Romance & Cigarettes, directed by John Turturro. It's super fun, and a touching movie as well. Kate Winslet is astounding. See Tony Soprano dance!
Looks like I'll miss the Halloween parade in NYC, but I should still be there for Halloween. They have the parade on Sunday and my friend Barbara and I are most likely going to meet there on Monday, so... I still don't have a disguise but now I don't know if I really need one. Things have changed since I used to think of it starting in August. I don't know why... I was always a punk. Until one year, I was an anti-punk. Heh.
So many things are going on, I don't know if I can get them all down here. Too many bands are playing in the coming weeks, I'll probably miss them all.
NEWS: There's going to be an H&M in Montreal! Oh god, please don't let it be all the way in the West Island or something...
Said Isabel 2 comments
Saturday, October 22, 2005
This is water
I wish I could organize a film fest.
The Nouveau Cinema film fest is going on until Sunday in Montreal. I went to see Canadian/Indian director Deepa Mehta's Water last night with Tom at the Imperial Theatre. It's a beautiful historical landmark that was renovated a couple of years ago. Plush red seats with double armrests, that don't bounce up as soon as you stand to take your jacket off. Everything a little operatic.
This evening I'm going to see John Turturro's film Romance and Cigarettes (starring Susan Sarandon) with Hilary. She got passes for the fest and that's how I started looking into what was showing. Tomorrow I think I'd like to go see the 1974 film Montreal Main, in French, about the relationship between a teenager and an effeminate photographer that takes place with our adored Saint Lawrence Boulevard as the backdrop.
Said Isabel 0 comments
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
avances que parecen retrocesos
Ah, post en espanol. Se alegran algunas personas especiales!
Con la experiencia de los pocos eventos tragicos en mi vida (la muerte de la Sole, el fin de Pato e Isabel) he confirmado mi opinion de que de la mierda crecen las plantas mas frondosas. Es una ecuacion proporcional, segun yo.
Ahorita no hay dolores de ese tipo en mi vida. Estoy en Montreal, donde mi siento en casa, y que es una ciudad que amo casi como si fuera una persona, con muchisima pasion. Estoy super tranquila y estable en la economia personal, lo cual era mi meta principal al venirme, y me llenan de halagos en la pega. Bien. Un canceriano poetico y realista me llena de carinos. Y ante tanta felicidad pacifica... no tengo mucho que decir!
Ergo, no tengo mucho de que escribir, ni ganas de hacerlo, y tampoco me importa demasiado.
Todo esto me parece que tendra mala reaccion en mi grupo cercano, porque he notado que la gente esta super aferrada a la idea de mi como alguien que escribe. Pero a mi me parece muy natural y consecuente con mi naturaleza de siempre. Las cosas que he dicho que jamas hare (ser periodista, ser escritora, trabajar en produccion), las he hecho todas. A la inversa, las cosas que pense que durarian para siempre se han acabo, porque asi funciona todo y tampoco me molesta que asi sea.
Les cuento lo que siento. "Nada que decir", bueno, nunca *tuve* nada que decir. Era el "como" lo decia no mas. Y ahora... no tengo ganas de decir "nada" de ninguna manera especial. La degeneracion de un mensaje vacio.
Para mi es algo bueno. Es como una lenta transicion desde la fantasia y la vida separada de los demas, a una vida terrenal, pequena, como siempre quise. Comprar el pan y las verduras y volver a casa. Seria mi maxima aspiracion, se los prometo. Domesticidad total.
Ay, yo no voy a hacer promesas de lo que hare o dejare de hacer. Pero asi estan los paquetes, amigos. Por si les importa. Yo creo que si, jiji :)
Said Isabel 5 comments
Saturday, October 15, 2005
less boring days
Exciting things rarely happen at conferences...
Just now, though, our calm-to-the-point-of-boring environment at the Palais was disrrupted by cries of "catch him! catch him!", immediately followed by a tall blond man hurdling the stanchions in front of Registration with an open duffel bag cradled in his arm. Our man Giuseppe tried to catch him in the revolving doors to the metro but I think he got past him. Now *there* was some excitement.
Almost as heart-racing as the "live actors" haunted house Tom, Amy, Julian, Justine and I went to in Niagara Falls. Wicked! There were 3 levels of scary so obviously we took the highest one. I was crying I was so scared, and it was just "run! run! run!" through the dark maze with a human werewolf ("grrrr") reaching out to knock off my tuque and then mock me for looking for it on the black floor (mock whimpering voice: "my hat! my hat!").
I think nothing is more boring than "conference stories" to the people who haven't been there. I mean, it's not like we work in a seedy, yet thrilling environment, or do any life-saving stuff or anything. It's just doctors in and out.
And that's what I'll be doing until Wednesday. This could prove detrimental to my health. Hope not. Where did I leave my life again?
Said Isabel 1 comments
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
"it's on our radar"... uh-huh
how about mispronunciations or misspellings or is that too mean? nah... it's all in good fun!
"data dentry"
"per diedem"
"post modem"
I just had a meeting at work that touched on travel arrangements among other things. I meant to get a good private joke in about sharing rooms but the time just never came up.
Said Isabel 1 comments
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
ohmygod, another one
Corporate mumbo jumbo:
"best of breed", as though we were talking about dogs in here...
Said Isabel 0 comments
Monday, October 03, 2005
Said Isabel 0 comments