Friday, March 30, 2007

Excuse Me, I'm a Junkie

I'm a communication junkie.

I'm a social junkie.

And now I'm on Facecrack.

To paraphrase my friend Shane Murphy, who I hope to see play tomorrow night at Hurley's, "I want the rock, I need the rock, have you got some Facecrack?"

So, even this post is stilted and stunted and I just want to finish typing fast so I can get back over to Facecrack.

Me thinks only my new mp3 player and a fresh load of laundry could make me sink deeper into any other sort of addiction.

See you around!


Heather said...

Oh, Isabel.
Welcome to the fold. It's freaking addictive.

bubi said...

Yo tambien me declaro adicta!!!
A "demasiadas" cosas,....

Eve said...

What's so great about it? Why is everyone addicted to Facebook? I got into Friendster a couple of years ago and reconnected with loads of people from my past, but then what?

Isabel said...

Ooh, well, now that I have a moment to talk (just turned on the computer and haven't logged onto Facecrack yet) I shall explain:

It's WAY better and WAY more addictive than anything like Friendster or MySpace. Those sites connect you with your friends and then leave you to your own devices, whereas Facecrack provides all sorts of fun and addictive things to do, besides posting messages on other people's pages. And everything you do (almost) is communicated to your friends, and everything they do is communicated to you, so you have a reason to keep going back on and visiting their pages and updating yours. THAT's what makes it addictive, as well as time-consuming. Time-consuming=brain consuming, in a way that depletes my already puny vocabulary and grammer so that I just want to txt fstr and fstr...
It's the crack cocaine of the Internet.
Another thing I love about it is that you can set high privacy settings, so that only your accepted friends can see anything on your profile. This is ideal when you're used to censoring yourself because your blog is totally public, see?
Except that Facecrack is more about tiny little comments on life, and not writing (even though you could; there is a Notes section). It's only another step in the decline of the American empire. Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

aw, cute, you spelt it 'grammer'...

Isabel said...

Crap, I always do that. Corrected, grrr.

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