Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Christmas Calendar

There may not be any snow on the ground, and this may clearly be one of the cloudiest Fall seasons ever, but Winter is looking up.

Saturday night I joined a gang at Charles’s place to eat spaghetti and watch NFB shorts like “The Sweater” (the story of a young boy in Quebec whose mother accidentally buys him a Maple Leaf hockey sweater from “Monsieur Eaton”). Then we piled into various cars and drove out to a West Island rink. We watched the Habs vs the Buffalo Sabers (who beat us in the shoot outs) on a giant screen tv and then I watched everyone else play a friendly game. I was the official photographer, which means I didn’t have to buy skates or a helmet or actually do any real work. Perfect.

Last night a group of nine of us went to the Notre Dame Basilica and listened to the very amazing Messiah concert by Haendel, as sung by Le Grand Choeur de Montreal. Our seats were the cheapest in the house, “nulle visibilité”. But as it turned out, we could actually see some of the choir and the soloists from where we were. Hallelujah!

The lineup of what’s coming is as follows: The Dears are playing this Thursday at the Spectrum. I’m all set to go after my Christmas reunion with the ladies from Events International, the company I used to work for. January 4 is the Emily Haines solo show. MSTRKRFT are playing something called I Love Neon on February 10, and, I don’t know if I should say this, but I’ve recently been notified that Arcade Fire will be playing 5 nights sometime this winter in a cozy location. I’m so there.

Oh yeah, and winter is my birthday too, yeeee!

1 comment:

S'Mat said...

!DFA 1979 roold! ?now it remains to be seen, can MSTRKRT cut the mustard?

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