Sunday, October 01, 2006


Photo by applette on Flickr
I certainly didn't get it from my mother. Her intellectual and spiritual interests are very far from the mundane reality of keeping house. But ever since I was a little girl, I found some sort of comfort in domestic activity. I liked to do the family laundry, sorting clothes by colour AND fabric, figuring out which water temperature would work best. I liked learning how to iron; what part of the shirt gets pressed first so that the end result is as creaseless as possible. I loved to cook, spaghetti and experimental chocolate cakes. If I had been born in another time, I would have been the perfect domestic goddess.

Even though my mother -and principal female role model- was a strong force pushing for economic and intellectual independence, I really don't think my own contrary interests were meant as a backlash. It was just the way you'd rather your room be pink instead of white. Just a matter of preference.

I realize there's a lot of stigma attached to domestic affairs. You're not *supposed* to like it, it's *supposed* to be enslaving. Well, I watched one woman feel authentically enslaved by it, and for some reason it didn't affect me like that. Like I said, there seemed to be some comfort in it. There still is.

I read somewhere that when people start discreetly dusting crumbs from the table, it's a sign that they aren't too happy with the conversation and want to lead it elsewhere. I believe that my affair with the domestic is related to this somehow. Just like Campbell Scott's character in the movie Singles, when he's broken up and trying to pretend he's ok, he says "work is the only thing I have completely control over". Nevermind that the walls of his cubicle come crashing down 2 seconds later. It's the thought that counts.

Some people go to the gym; I go to the supermarket. Forget the results. As long as I can carry a load of laundry, clutch a J-cloth, or stand in front of the oven long enough to cook a risotto, I have some sort of authority over my own life, I can *make* things ok. And I make a fine risotto too.


Anonymous said...

que buen tema!!...y que divertido como uno se va conociendo mas, cuando sabe que es lo que ''controla'' en momentos como el post anterior, siguiendo con el dr. phill...a mi, me pasa que el mundo domestico no me atrae para nada...y no siento que lo controle en verdad...prefiero arrancarme del mundo y hacer una maraton de peliculas, o dormir por horas, o quedarme parada debajo de la ducha forever... igual la idea del gym sirve, la he probado varias veces, pero cada uno con lo que le acomoda no mas...en fin, que rico rissotto!!

Heather said...

That's the spirit! It's nice to hear of someone entirely comfortable with her own interests. I once read somewhere that if you're feeling down, you should take a scouring pad to your kitchen sink. At first I scoffed. But when I was having a bad week - let's just say I had the cleanest kitchen sink in all of Montreal, and felt a whole lot better for it!

Francisca said...

Admirable!!!!!...recién el año pasado descubrí que para hacer arroz no es necesario echar el paquete entero, salvo que coma un batallón...En fin... cada uno con sus intereses... Fran Fdez.

Vero said...

Me encanta lo que escribiste. Yo siempre he pensado que dentro de mí hay un ama de casa que se debate en estos tiempos en que lo "profesional" es tan importante.
Una parte quiere estar en eso. Pero otra daría un mundo por quedarse horneando un queque en casa.
un abrazo muy grande.

Ricardo said...

Yo no se si me gustan taaanto las labores domesticas, pero en la práctica en mi casa el que cocina, lava y ordena soy yo... la pancha (con quien vivo en "pecado")se comporta como hombre de los 50 y espera que le hagan la comida y deja una estela de ropa botada por donde pasa.

Son los costos de los nuevos tiempos... ¿querias una mujer independiente e inteligente?... entonces aprende a cocinar, lavar, hacer la cama, etc..

Aunque igual lo hago con gusto, asi que en fondo no me quejo, solo quería comentarlo (creo)


Anonymous said...

hay algo de santo en las labores domésticas, como los mantaras nuestros de cada día. un beso! mucho sin saber de ti

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