Sunday, November 06, 2005

New York Cares

It's time for my annual New York City pilgrimmage. As usual, I'll be accompanied by a great friend. This time it's Barbara "Bubi" San Martín who's flying in from Santiago, Chile. We wanted to go for Halloween for it just took too damn long for the Canadian Embassy to give her a visa, so we had to postpone a bit. Nevermind, it's all worked out now. I'll be in the City on Tuesday!

As usual, I'll be taking the overnight bus. I prefer the bus to the train for going to NY, although I admit the view from the train, along the Hudson, is pretty amazing.

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Last night was the final night of Amy's production of Everyman, which Tom was acting in. It was lots of fun seeing the ensemble play together, and this was my second night going. I'm also immensely proud of Amy for putting on the show. It's one thing to want to do something like that and quite another to go through with it.

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Met Button et al at the new Ye Olde Orchard downtown last Thursday. It's pretty nice, and smells very new. I sniffed the booths and the menus. Neeewww.

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Am officially sick and tired of partying crowds and noisy drunks. I'm sure I'll get over it soon, but right now, it's all a bit much. Maybe it's Korova overdose?

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kathryn said...

Felicitaciones por tu blog. Un placer leerlo. Muchos saludos también.

Isabel said...

Jonas, enable your profile!

In case you check here again, Ye Olde has a new location downtown, on Mountain between Rene Levesque and St Catherine.

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