Sunday, May 22, 2005


Do you know what I hate?
I bet you don't.
I cannot stand it when people call their better-half their partner in crime. That is just so.... argh! It *sounds* like something very unique but so many people say it, it's just a big, ugly cliché, and thereby destroys the meaning of it the very second that you say it, you see what I mean? I cannot stand it.

And anyway, puh-leeze, these people commit no crimes. They don't even swear. What kind of fake lifestyle are you trying to convince us you live? Don't jest.

My problem is I hate a lot of stuff that people I love very much do and say. So I can't go into it in much detail here. I'm trying to be nice. I'm working really hard at it. As hard as lazy-Isabel-painter me can, anyway. Nice, Isabel. Nice kitty.

But I might as well also add that I strongly dislike the use of the phrase "I'm a visual person" (hear me grating my teeth). Again, it's such an overused ridiculous phrase. No, actually, you're just stupid and you can't understand when people talk to you so you need to pretend like you need to read it to get it.

AnywayS instead of anyway is very annoying, but I deal with it, because it's a losing battle.

People who drag their feet should be slapped in public.


You know? I don't even mind nails scratching on a blackboard. I consider myself a tolerant person.

But if the man who lives below me does not cease and desist playing his bongo (or is it the girl next door, I can't tell in this building), I'll... I'll...

do nothing


Anonymous said...

J'crois que je comprend bien ce que tu dis. J'ai essayé d'trouver un exemple a mon tour parce que, bien sur, j'ai senti le méme plusieurs fois, mais la seule chose que je peux considerer a present c'est cette phrase que tout le monde esta en train de prononcer ces jours-ci: ''que la force t'accompagne'' ou quelque chose comme ca, ici au Chili comme a Canada ou a Bangladesh, si je me trompe pas. Je sais que c'est pas la méme chose, mais c'est pareil: c'est un chose que tout le monde fait, qui est -je suppose, ils supposent- sympathique, qui bien sur signifie quelque chose d'important -pas pur moi en tout cas- et que, finalemente, j'hais. Merci, monsier Lucas. Et merci, Isabel. J'm'excuse si tu aimes la guerre des galaxies. do you?

Anonymous said...

Y ya que comparto tu odio por la gente que arrastra los pies, ademas me revientan la gente que camina taconeando: ¡Aquí vengo yo, hey, hey admirénme!
Y ya que se me salió la perambulofobia del closet, $#%*& a la gente que camina como moscas negras (moscardones) por Ste. Cath., bloqueando poder pasarlas; un paso para adelante y el siguiente, ¡adivinen para qué lado!

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