Thursday, December 16, 2004


I wish we WOULD all embrace Esperanto. I'm getting tired of picking a language to write this blog in. To write anything in.

I'll start in Enligsh and if I change my mind in the middle, you'll notice.

So I have basically nothing to do at work, right? I just surf the net allllll dayyyyy. Which is not so bad, so long as you don't feel guilty about it, and why should I? My boss knows I have no work; no one gives me work. So I'm currently getting paid more than even before to look for daily updates on Nerve Blog-a-logs, Maisonneuve's In Ernest blog, Barro Quejon's, and googling authors of fun articles I read and then emailing them.

I am *not* a stalker, haha. I just have a lot of free time...

But seriously, it's been fun. I love reading all the stuff I find, and having the time to do it is a luxury I know will not last. This is what I would *waste* my time on if I were paid to write a novel too.

I've found new writers, read about a swinger's club in Buenos Aires, many many crazy adventures in New York, chatted more than ever with my closest friends over MSN, and have somehow managed to stay relatively sane, even with all of this free time on my hands. Normally, you know, that's a recipe for disaster.

Este es mi horario para las siguientes semanas:

24 diciembre: me mudo de mi departmento. todo se va a bodega por 1 mes.
26 diciembre: me voy a chile
27 diciembre: llego a chile, tomo te/coctel con "la familia"
29 diciembre: comida privada
31 diciembre: borrachera privada con carlos y la mariana, por las veces que estuvimos juntos, salvo por esa. juajua.
5 enero: premiacion cuentos paula/cena publica en el caramano/fiesta publica en amanda
7 enero: exposicion en matucana
8 enero: me largo de vuelta a Montreal, donde si me quieren! (es broma)

Sientanse libres de enchufar actividades entre medio. Mandenme un mail.

Me mudo, me mudo, me libro de todo.


Anonymous said...

So you have too much time in your hands, eh? try this for quicks, eyelids slowly covering even that tiny slot you actually want to see, papers flying all over the place on account of the electric fan you use to block the heat out,three telephones ringing at exactly the same time and a mountain of unresolved tasks on your incoming tray. I guess my only light of hope is that I plan to leave early tonight and watch Gilmore Girls, that epitome of mother-daughter relationship.
Guess who wrote this Isabel.

Isabel said...

mi mama!

Vero said...

Me gustó eso de "a lot of free time"
Me gustó más eso de "me voy a Chile"
Y pa' que decir de eso de "me libro de todo"
no sé cuál de las 3 me vendría mejor.
como sea, me saco el sombrero.
desde mi rutina proletarizada, con cero free time, lejitos de chile y sin poder librarme de la sicopatía navideña laboral, me consume la mas sana envidia...

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