Aqui una entrevista con mi ex-concubina, Consuelo Edwards:
If you want to have a look, that up there is a link to an interview in a Chilean newspaper of my ex-roommate, the ex-teen pop star.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Ex Concu
- Taxes on a ticket supposedly bought entirely with Aeroplan miles: $129
photos are available on my Flickr
It's about: nyc
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Grief without Tragedy
Tragedy: an accident; the sudden loss of a young life; a violent death.
My grief without tragedy is like a slow boil, with occasional overflows. I walk slowly, talk slowly, too absorbed in my own thoughts to even realize how absorbed in my own thoughts I am. Sometimes I have no thoughts, and I just stare at things, as though they were talking to me. I am the opposite of anxious.
People approach me with care; others with caution, unfamiliar with death and afraid, perhaps, of saying the wrong thing. Sometimes the best thing to say is nothing. I enjoy an invitation to talk. I can talk about someone who loved me who's gone; about how this places me irrevocably in adulthood; how there's no one left to take care of me and shouldn't I be taking care of someone? I can talk about other things too, not just loss. I enjoy hearing others' good news. I even enjoy hearing others' suffering and tragedy, because it just means we're all still human.
This weekend I am making a trip to New York City - not my annual pilgrammage but a special visit to be with my cousin Carmen. The picture is of my mother, on the left, and hers.

Sunday, August 12, 2007
Lots of love from heaven
Hoy, 12 de agosto de 2007, alrededor de las 3 de la tarde, murió mi querida abuelita María en la casa de mi mamá en Santiago. Esto es sólo para avisarles a quienes leen este blog porque me tienen cierto cariño y amistad. Yo sé que varios de ustedes la conocieron en persona y espero que la recuerden hoy con dulzura.
Today, August 12, 2007, at around 3pm, my dear grandmother -or as I called her, abuelita María- passed away in my mother's house in Santiago. I'm posting this for those people who read this blog because of their friendship and affection for me, who I want to share this with.
A la derecha/On the right
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Sooo Sarita
En lo que es ya prácticamente una tradición familiar, le copié esta foto al blog de mi hermano.
Everyone, please meet the one and only, intrepid traveller, fashionably fabulous, supermom and career woman, a whiz with words, morally unambiguous, sorceress of the blackest humour, the generous Lioness herself: my mom, Sarita! (applause)
The only thing she was never able to achieve was to make her kids as nice as she is. Well, maybe Axel is nice. Mwuhahaha!
Thursday, August 09, 2007
eponymous anonymous
This was meant to be a comment but I'm making it a post because I have a notice to make public at the end of it:
Damn, I hate anonymous comments. At least use an "other" name, people, so you can be identified as a unique being or something. Argh.
Public notice: I won't block anonymous comments because doing so means all commenters must be registered with Blogger and my parents both use the "other" option (neither registered nor anonymous). But I WILL delete all your anonymous comments. If you don't fill out an "other" name, you're going into the wastepaper basket. Yes, I am in a bad mood. Sorry, annoying spy-girls are calling me to find out if my ex lover is really dead. Go away!
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
One more time!

Friday, August 03, 2007
Life Cycles
Part II of Abuelita Marita, here is something I bet is at least *a little* unique to my family: having a mass in my mother's apartment to celebrate my grandmother's 96th birthday.
