Monday, February 12, 2007

The Work Date

How horrible. I'm as nervous as a little girl. After a two plus hour meeting -um, conversation- I left feeling the familiar but long forgotten elation of a fantastic post-date. Did he like me? Did I somehow secretly not do it right? Will he call? Does he like me?

Except it's not a he and I'm still not a lesbian. It's a job. It was a job interview. HaHA! Now part of my secret new year's resolution is revealed, for better or for worse. It's just that I need to share these silly giddy feelings that are way too reminiscent of the good old days of dating.

So, I was asked to send two things before our next, ehem, date: an informal email in French (eeegads, talk about nerves) and a sample of my writing in English. I sent the email pretty much right away... but didn't get a response. My reaction: subterranean freaking out. Does he like me? Why hasn't he replied? Again, no "he" involved. He=the Work.

And today I sent a piece of creative non-fiction (hello, mouthfull) that I wrote at Joel Yanofsky's workshop in 2003, when I had just returned to Montreal from Santiago, Chile. I'm only beginning to think of pressing the send button and I'm already worried it's not right, it's too long, it's not professional, it's too ridiculous, it's old, the Work will read it and say "oh no, I expected more/something different from Isabel. I don't think this is going to work out after all." Siiiiiiiiigh. Worry. Worry. Butterfly anxiety best directed at situations where other people feel the need to tell you "it's the best part!" and you think "shut up, shut up or I will kill you now. It's the WORST part."



Eve said...

I can almost feel the anxiety.

Well, it'll be over soon, no?

Fingers crossed...

Amy said...

yay! congrats isabel!

Vero said...

Mucha suerte isabelita, en éste y el resto de tus propósitos para el 2007!!!
La peor parte de postular a un trabajo nuevo es esa incertidumbre eterna de no saber si uno va bien o no.
Desde estos calores, aumentados por el tamaño de mi guata te mando un gran abrazo con mucho AMOR!!!

Anonymous said...

isabelita!! que entretenido!!! ojala que salga todo bien y que la incertidumbre dure poco, igual disfruta el momento, porque ahi es cuando uno en verdad saborea el paso del tiempo...el lento esperar...avisa en todo caso, para ver como salio todo!

chica said...

oye concu!!!1que buen proposito para el 2007, ojala sea un trabajo bueno para ti, y que te ayude a viajar como el anterior....dificil no??? veo que todos igual seguimos leyendo tu blog, aunque este en ingles, frances, chino, mandarin, etc....aunque se extrañan las sabias palabras en español.
te quiero muchooo!!!exitooo!!!!
pd: a mi me pondria nerviosa si tuviera que pasar un examen psicologico.jajajaja

Heather said...

I'm sure it will all work out. But you had better keep us posted!

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