All this, and a more weather-appropriate profile picture of me. Love, me. Love me.
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Friday, November 11, 2005
Back in
I *love* being home!
NY is wicked, but I guess traveling is different when you're so happy at home. I missed it, and I probably would have enjoyed NY more if Tom could have come with us.
As it was, Barbara and I had a good time traipsing around the island and its buroughs. We hit Coney Island, Brooklyn, the Lower East Side to Morning Heights (to check out the diner from Seinfeld). It's amazing how many different kinds of people we could run into in a day... from the unsuspecting brats of the Upper West Side to the loonies at Port Authority.
Most of the loonies appeared to be on the bus with us on the way back to Montreal, actually. One guy in particular, across the aisle from us, drank the whole way, even minutes before getting off the bus to pass customs. He bought some whisky at the duty free and poured it into a Pepsi bottle. I called it alcoholism. Tom says an alcoholic would be jealous of such functionality -drinking 8 hours without passing out.
Tonight, Barbara is hitting the Nine Inch Nails. And the three of us will be hitting one of the bottles of Pisco Sour she brought me from Chile... tikitikití! Tomorrow, my dad will pick us up bright and early for a day trip to Potsdam, NY. Yes, that's right folks, world-famous Potsdam of Clarkson College fame and fortune!
Just kidding, it's home to some family friends and I'm excited to bring my gang along for introductions.
Right now it's time for a biddy nap after all that traveling without moving (you know, you just sit still on the bus...). Pictures to follow. I'm sick of posing!
Monday, November 07, 2005
What sex is your brain?
Ok, I can forsee A LOT of spam comments based solely on the title of this post, but it's worth it (especially now that I can moderate comments from my email).
The BBC has this Brain Sex ID test that you *must* take. Of course, beware, things like startling intelligence may make results vary. This, I believe, is how I came to have a slightly more male brain... ? Also, the fact that my ring fingers are slightly longer than my index fingers... Do it.
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I'm all packed and showered and ready to take the midnight bus "going anywhere!" or New York, whichever I get off at first. Barbara has arrived in the Big Apple and is loving it. Phew! I'm a little nervous about showing off Montreal when we get back next week, especially to someone coming from a big city like Santiago and right after New York of all places. But I'm sure it will be fine.
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Got my Turn on the Bright Lights CD in the mail today. I know, I'm late with that one, but worth it. As usual, bought on sale through "other vendors" on Amazon.
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Have you seen the rioting in France? It's going completely insane...
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My new favourite radio show to wake up to on weekends: Wire Tap.
Sunday, November 06, 2005
New York Cares
It's time for my annual New York City pilgrimmage. As usual, I'll be accompanied by a great friend. This time it's Barbara "Bubi" San Martín who's flying in from Santiago, Chile. We wanted to go for Halloween for it just took too damn long for the Canadian Embassy to give her a visa, so we had to postpone a bit. Nevermind, it's all worked out now. I'll be in the City on Tuesday!
As usual, I'll be taking the overnight bus. I prefer the bus to the train for going to NY, although I admit the view from the train, along the Hudson, is pretty amazing.
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Last night was the final night of Amy's production of Everyman, which Tom was acting in. It was lots of fun seeing the ensemble play together, and this was my second night going. I'm also immensely proud of Amy for putting on the show. It's one thing to want to do something like that and quite another to go through with it.
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Met Button et al at the new Ye Olde Orchard downtown last Thursday. It's pretty nice, and smells very new. I sniffed the booths and the menus. Neeewww.
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Am officially sick and tired of partying crowds and noisy drunks. I'm sure I'll get over it soon, but right now, it's all a bit much. Maybe it's Korova overdose?
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