Saturday, July 23, 2005


Screw this. Why *shouldn't* I tell a bunch of stangers about the mundane, self-centered stuff that goes on in my life, eh?

Yeah, I've been reading a bunch of other Montreal blogs, and please. They're quite good. So why shouldn't I be one of them? What's my other option? Shall I got to the Bifteck and get drunk and slouch over the bar saying "I used to be number 7, you know? That's right! I was the sevennss besstest blog -hic!- in this craaazy city". Meh.

Plus I have this killer headache that I know I can't get rid of and I'm thinking a little spewing of intimacies on the web might be JUST the cure!

The only thing is, I've got to make sure I don't repeat the past. That is, this is no longer a supposed personal blog to keep my friends in Chile up to date on my life because you know what? Doesn't work. Para eso seguirán recibiendo mis mails masivos, con información *super exclusiva adicional!* This has got to be unabashedly public. I have no idea how to spell unabashedly, but I can pronounce it!

So what's new, chickies? New is the Metropolitan poster I've currently got the winning bid on on Ebay. I love that movie so much. Do you know that the poster I'm bidding on costs, like, US$50 on some movie poster site, but I'm getting it for only US$15 on Ebay. Gonna frame it and everything. So cool, so prep.

Peeps, this summer has contained the most awesomest weather ever, hasn't it? It's so hard to be unhappy when the days are perfect and sunny and HOT. I mean, don't get me wrong, I am trying VERY HARD to be unhappy. I told you, my head hurts A LOT, and it probably won't stop hurting for a while because it's a psychosomatic thing, you know? Physical pain to drive home the other kind. But whatev. Just cuz I don't sleep well anymore and I have a couple of bricks pressing down on my chest all day and I feel like I'm at the bottom of a closed box, doesn't mean I can't appreciate the fine, fine weather, does it now? Nah.

Other cuasi-worthwhile things to talk about today? I hosted a picnic for some friends over here at Lafontaine Park, behind my house. No one knew anyone else except me. That has got to be my favourite kind of social interaction experiment. If you can get over your social anxiety and talk to strangers, just because they are friends of mine, than you may be a friend of mine. That deserves some respect.

Hey, I just won my Metropolitan poster! Awesome!

My head still hurts. Would you mind just making it STOP?

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