Thursday, April 14, 2005

I love NY in June. I love a Gershwin tune.

I don’t believe in destiny. I don’t believe in love. I don’t believe that anything will ever be enough. –OMD

Should the New Year start in the Spring? I remember in Chile, it certainly seemed to begin in the Fall: March. The weather in the northern hemisphere makes it feel like new beginnings, so why not? And since I don’t like resolutions, because I’m panicked by the thought of making a promise I can’t keep and disappointing myself and others, I’ve decided to just change the ritual. How about all the good things that I accomplished or that happened to me last year?

Here they are:
- I quit smoking. I wanted to do it before my 30th birthday and I did it almost 3 months before that date.
- I got a job that paid better, was less demanding and offered long-term security. And I never had to be unemployed, since I found this job while I was still at the previous one.
- I got all my money back for the excess of rent I paid on the Prudhomme apartment for over a year, and I moved out without penalty.
- I got an apartment in the Plateau with a rent that doesn’t require me to fork over all of my available cash just to live somewhere.

I guess this is just an exercise in “counting blessings” but I believe it works. I believe I’m responsible for influencing how I feel about my life. You know, like, you could be super successful and still not be happy with yourself or you could have a very simple job and love it. It’s up to you. That’s the sort of thing I agree with. Did you know that hairdressers have the highest rate of job satisfaction in England and Djs have among the lowest? Read it on Jonty Skrufff. If you ask me, the thing to do is find where on the ambition scale is the most authentic for me, and then aim for that. I can’t pretend I’d be happy as a hairdresser, even if I wish I could be happy with a life that simple. And I can’t pretend that I’d be happy aspiring to be a CEO or something because I think that just sucks. So somewhere in between, I need to find out where I am. I guess not everyone needs to do this. Just the lucky ones ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

who wrote that song "i love ny in june..." im in love with your philosophy

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