Saturday, December 11, 2004

snow. anna karenina & modern music

It's been snowing non-stop in Montreal since last night. I thought I might get snowed in, but no such luck.

I went to concert of modern composers last night at La Chapelle du Bon Pasteur, presented by Bradyworks. It was the only time I've ever heard a sax solo that I liked. The guy didn't so much play the sax and play with it. He knocked, hit it with a baton, made strange noises with it, all to a background of the Berlin underground (aka metro) screeching in a very David Lynch kind of way. I wonder what the sheet music looked like.

The weather seems to reflect the novel I'm reading, Anna Karenina by Tolstoy. I picture Moscow, the outdoor skaters with their muffs (muffs!) and elaborate hairstyles and, even more entertaining, debauchery.

Which brings me to the movie I saw last night: Closer. Said I would. There are few people I would have seen that movie with. Thankfully, I went by myself. I wouldn't want to have to discuss it, intellectually, with anyone I wasn't very close to. And if I saw it with someone I was very close, I still wouldn't want to discuss it that way. It was all about the emotions for me, and I would want to treat it as an experience and a reminder of past experiences and emotions. Not as a "movie text", worrying about who was sleeping with whom when, and where the plot is going and is this realistic. What was portrayed seemed to me very accurate, as Julia Roberts says at the beginning about Jude Law's book. An accurate portrayal of sex and love. Not at all Hollywood. Thank God.

So it's still snowing. I think it was 10-15 centimetres last night. It's certainly piled high. I walked with an umbrella in front of my face to keep the wind from slapping the snow in my face. I think it's funny that I write that sentence as though I was alone, walking with my umbrella in front of my face. I think, in a way, because I want it to be that way, I was. I think I prefer all of this to be about me and only me for the time being.

Si no es sano, ya está fuera. -Lucybell

1 comment:

Barro said...

Sin haber visto Closer, creo que me quedo con Anna Karenina. Bueno, no con ella, sino con Kitty y Lievin, que siempre me gustaron más. La escena en que los dos descifran mensajes en la mesa...inolvidable.

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