Monday, February 19, 2007

Did you know this?

Rarely does a link forwarded to me by a co-worker (or anyone else for that matter) keep ringing in my mind over a week after the fact. Actually, in case you didn't know, I often delete forwards without even opening them. This has been different.

At first, it was a surprise. But like a newly learned lesson, I started seeing evidence of it everywhere and THAT'S what really shocked me. Do these people know what they're partipating in? Would they do it if they knew?

You are secretly wearing your best friend's fur


Lin-Zed said...

Oh no oh no oh no. About three months ago I stumbled across PETA's website, and one of the things they had was a video of fur farms in China. It was the single most disturbing piece of footage I have ever viewed in my life. Months later I still am literally nauseated by what I saw...and what I saw were those racoon dogs (dicussed in the article) being literally skinned alive.
Thank you so much for this link...I will be sure to pass it on to my more, umm..fashionable (?) friends. The treatment of those animals is nothing short of abominable.

Isabel said...

My co-worker also mentioned the skinning alive, but -like other people, I assume- I wanted to believe that that was just a shock tactic, animal rights propaganda, as it were. I hate acknowledging blatant cruelty. I wish so hard it didn't exist.

Amy said...

thoughts on purchasing real fur 2nd hand?

last night i saw the black market selling all their winter coats for 6.99$ including the real fur ones...

it's sooo warm. do you think by wearing it you support the industry?

i haven't bought one yet, but was seriously considering it.... i'd love to hear some thoughts...

Isabel said...

That *is* an interesting issue, Amy, thanks!
I remember an interview with then PETA-supporter River Phoenix and the interviewer pointed out he was wearing a leather jacket or something. He explained that it was used, and that re-using trumped no-leather.
Maybe it's because he was so cute, but I'm kind of on the same side of the fence, although officially undecided. (nice and non-committal, eh?) My opinion is probably also influenced by the fact that fine and original materials are incredibly attractive to me, even though some of them are immorally obtained in my view. I guess, like Heather might say, it's all grey to me.
Brand new fake fake fur, on the other hand, is VERY easy for me to reject.

Eve said...

Oh my god.

I love fur -- it's so beautiful and soft -- but while I go to fur stores to feel it up (fur purveyors are for me what Tiffany's was for Holly Golightly), I wouldn't buy one. And second-hand fur, that's a tough one. Isn't wearing fur condoning it, even if you aren't directly supporting the fur industry?

Heather said...

Ugh. How awful.

AWB said...

I had seen the footage.. it was truly awful.
dogs and possibly cats being thrown into wire cages about 4/5 their height, with at least 40 to the cage. then stacked onto trucks, and thrown down to the ground from the trucks when unloaded at the fur factory.
awful, disturbing, horrible.

I think anyone who has anything to do with this is contributing. 2nd hand, you create an opportunity to get rid of something you bought new, more space for a replacement purchase of the same.
and just owning it, have dead cats and puppies in your closet... enough said


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