Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Don't think twice, it's alright

Ok, folks. Brincky's back!

El crédito por darme a conocer la canción del título del post, y Bob Dylan en general, lo tiene la Bárbara Mayer. Gracias, Bárbara!

Tom was kind enough to install my BRAND NEW USED record player, and I've had the pleasure of pretending I'm a teenager in the 70s, listening to Pink Floyd's The Dark Side of the Moon and Bob Dylan's Freewheeling. That album has my favourite Dylan line in the song that is this post's title:

"I loved a woman once, a child I am told. I gave her my heart but she wanted my soul"... and then it's Don't think twice, it's alright. :)

Spoke to Jus over msn, just now. What a thrill! She flew back to Beastly Britain on Sunday. That was the last of "our" international students, and like I've said before: Montreal will never be the same. Let's meet in France next year!

I got some more pictures from Hawaii so you can binge on jealousy, haha. These aren't mine, they're Dave's. He has a muuuuuuuuuuch cooler camera and is far more talented and putting people on film than moi. I am crap at all visual endeavours and therefore will never buy myself a nice camera. You gotta know your limits!


Ricardo said...

buen disco el Dark side of the moon... llámame nostálgico o involucionado, pero yo creo que la mejor música se hizo por esa época (los 70's)

Vero said...

Me encanta tu pinta hawaiana relajada, out of work.
me gusta mucho también la m´suica añeja, con olor a naftalina. Por acá disfrutando un regalo de pablo: cuatro discos con lo mejor de la Huambaly, una orquesta maravillosa chilena de los años 50' que se oye todavía con todo el esplendor. Con ganas de ponerse un vestido y correr a un salón de baile.
muchos abrazos

bárbara said...

De nada. Es prestado eso sí.
Veo que al fin lograste tu bronceado Grace Kelly, felicitaciones! Un abrazo. B.

Isabel said...

Lo hago con mucho cuidado, Bárbara ;)

Amy said...

wow! looks stunning as do you.

don't think twice is one of my all time faves. it's probably the strongest piece in my guitar repertoire. which doesn't say a hell of a lot.

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