Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Nothing special, just an update of what I'm... up... to. I'm leaving for Hawaii next Tuesday, something I have mixed feelings about. I know! It's Hawaii, everyone wants to go... except me. Hawaii, I like to say, is where people on the Price on Right go. On the positive side, I've never been anywhere tropical, it'll be different. I hope.

So before that happens, I plan on watching the England-Portugal game this Saturday. Any ideas on where I should watch it? And on Sunday Chris is playing at the Jazz Fest (I assume you're playing with The Fabulous Lolo Plays Rocksteady, Chris) so I hope to bring some people to watch that. Monday is my pre-travel day off, for laundry, packing, and this time: La Ronde! I'm going back after... 20 years? Julian & Justine and friends will be my hosts.

While I'm gone, I urge you all to go watch Shane Murphy at the Jazz Fest. Sorry I'll miss it.

Life's burning questions:
-Why is Place DES Arts and Place D'Armes, and not Place D'Arts or Place DES Armes?

In regular news:
- herbs are doing well. I'll be planting flowers later today.
- bathtub has not been cleaned, but I did unclog the sink!
- can't remember the last time I used the Swiffer on the kitchen floor. Doesn't look too too bad though.
- ironed today, woohoo!


S'Mat said...

wait, didn't you drop into the Tropic of Cancer when you were in Mexico?
Hooray for your day off. Me too! Anne pulled a no-show and since I was up and caffinated I had no recourse but to keep checking your blog until you updated.

Isabel said...

you do that too?

S'Mat said...

um, yes.

Anonymous said...

asique hawaii!!!,que ricoo!! y a que isla? lo vas a pasar bien, mas alla de la imagen que tengas de hawaii, no te enrolled con los turistas, trata de olvidarte de todo, y si vas a oahu, hay un lugar increible para hacer snorkel, hanauma bay, se llama, con tortugas y todo, asique disfruta!!!!!...a la vuelta nos cuentas!

Anonymous said...


A ver, a ver, ¿no has estado en Arica y perdido la maleta?

El trópico de Capricornio está como a 20 km al norte de Antofagasta! Si pu oh! Pdm es desde 1879 un pais tropical! ¡Chévere!

... y el Cabo San Lucas pisa a unos 80 km dentro del trópico de Cáncer. ¿Acaso no hay iguanas allá?

Y estos días Montreal parece que, cortesía de Dubya y el calentamiento global, está también en el cinturón cálido. ¡A bailar salsa, chica!

AWB said...

Yo te entiendo hermanita.. a mi me piden siempre cotizar lugares tropicales para filmar y les tengo que decir que la unica zona climatica que no hay en Chile es tropico.

Hubiera sido Isla de Pascua pero si viste esa pelicula de Kevin Costner, sabras que hace cientos de anyos, las tribus familiares de pelearon y cortaron todito y queda una isla seca que hubiera podido ser muy Hawaiian style.

Que es de Kevin Costner en todo caso?

AWB said...

I bought an iron 3 months ago.
Still haven't taken it out of the box.
I also bought an ironing board.

it's now Kishka's offical scratching post.

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