Saturday, March 19, 2005

life in a convention centre

It's getting up at 5am for a week, including the weekend. It's buying your breakfast, buying your lunch, buying your dinner and drinks; never preparing your own food. It's having more than 12 hours a day to kill, either dealing with delegates, helping the temps, or surfing the 'net. Finding something to do...

This conference has been incredibly productive for me, in the oddest way. I don't recall ever having this many interesting conversations, about the subjects that I actually like to think about, such as cultural bias, liberals vs conservatives, wal-mart's, stages of life and the different ways to approach them, etc. If this was the Dewey Decimal System, we'd be in 100-300 (Philosophy & Psychology, Religion, and Social Sciences). And that's the way, uh-huh, uh-huh, I like it. Uh-huh, uh-huh.

Now that I write this, I'm thinking this is exactly what Mr. Rob Brezny was talking about in his Freewill Astrology Horoscope for Aquarius this week...

It feels somewhat enrichening, but strangely, for no purpose that I can discern. I did come up with an idea for another novel, and maybe that's the point of all this talking, but I can't be sure. That would be an awfully long-term purpose for such on-the-fly conversations... hmmmmmmmm

you know what? I don't know. But I'm enjoying myself. It's not "Fun", exactly, but it's alright.

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