Friday, February 04, 2005

February Update

Wow! No post since January 27... Ok, let's get to it. I guess there are a few things to mention. Before I do, though, just to let you know that all my links open in new windows. Todos mis links abren en nuevas ventanas.

Firstly, this is what's up in the upcoming month for me (it's all ABOUT me, you see?). I should be back on track with my budget after the money-sucking adventure that was Chile (2 weeks unpaid leave) and Las Vegas (sale at Banana Republic!!) so I'm going back to yoga classes as of tonight and I made a small shopping trip to Cheap Thrills, the Montreal CDs and used books store, and bought Interpol's Antics. I was going back and forth between that one and their older album, Bright Lights, because it has that song I love so much, NYC ("subway she is a porno, sidewalks they are a mess, though you've supported me a long time, somehow I'm not impressed... New York Caaaaares"). I also thought about the Hot Hot Heat CD but since they're putting a new one out in April, I figured it wasn't as urgent that I OWN IT!

Next: as far as live music is concerned, I'm spending my allotted budget at Mutek's Nuit Electronik where I will *finally* get to see Ricardo Villalobos outside of Chile. He rarely plays North America and the ticket prices are not so expensive ($25 for the first 300 and the Atom Heart record store just confirmed they still have some of those left!).

Mi conexion Internet esta lista hoy en mi nuevo departamento asi que espero poder sacar una fotito con mi webcam para presentarselos. Es chico, es tierno, es super soleado (vital en una ciudad que vive la mitad del anyo en invierno), con un balconcito y vista a la montana. Bueno, le decimos "montana" al Mont Royal, pero la verdad es que es apenas un cerro en la mitad de esta isla.

Me demorado todo este tiempo, desde el dia antes de navidad, en volver a instalarme con el proyecto Mi Vida. Pero al fin tengo mas o menos armado el departamento, la linea telefonica, Internet, el contrato indefinido en la pega, la Visa pagada despues de Chile... .........

Happy Year of the Rooster * Feliz Anyo del Gallo, galla

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