Monday, November 12, 2007

Great Expectations

I don't really feel like doing this anymore. Everything is fine, great, but I'm just not really in the mood to keep posting things for the sake of posting something. It's not really very interesting, and the original purpose of this blog was to communicate with friends and, well, now they should be on Facebook. In any case, I won't be gone for anyone who is close to me.

Maybe I'll come up with something eventually. Feel free to keep me in your feed, but don't count on it. I can't think of a better to way to shut this down then to be meaningless and apparently cryptic one more time.

`Dear Pip,' said Biddy, `you are sure you don't fret for her?'

`O no -- I think not, Biddy.'

`Tell me as an old, old friend. Have you quite forgotten her ?'

`My dear Biddy, I have forgotten nothing in my life that ever had a foremost place there, and little that ever had any place there. But that poor dream, as I once used to call it, has all gone by, Biddy, all gone by!'

Nevertheless, I knew while I said those words, that I secretly intended to revisit the site of the old house that evening, alone, for her sake.


Ricardo said...

oh noes!!!.... ¿porqué todo el mundo anda cerrando sus blogs??...

bueno, la libertad de no-expresión es inalienable...

no te tengo como contacto en facebook... te voy a buscar.

Anonymous said...

No! que fome....

AWB said...

que fome ISabel..
son bastante distintos los dos medios..
blogger es mas abierto, puedes escribir para largo..
en cambio facebook es demasiado escueto..

Eve said...

Oh no! But you usually have such thought provoking and interesting posts. Maybe you just need a break?

Sarita said...

Pucha Isabel,y ahora, que me queda por leer en blogland? Eras mi recreo de media mañana, mi ventana al otro lado del espejo, y si no sigues, seré una botella con un mensaje que flota en el mar y nunca llega a la isla donde espera el naufrago para leerla. Buuuuuu

Amy said...

i can't believe this is still going on. you should never feel obliged, but i do miss reading your posts.

Anonymous said...

Otro voto en contra: El mío.

Que yo sepa en el Blog no tienes obligacion de escribir, y los comentarios que recibes son por lo general inteligentes.

Aqui es como Sarita dice, una ventana a tu alma y vivencias.

Sip! Otro voto en contra.

AWB said...

bueno.. nada.. pense que habrias escrito algo entre medio..
yo tampoco le he dado tanto a blogger,
pero facebook le falta el poder escribir realmente, los posts se desvanecen rapidamente.

es como, si no te metes cada 3 dias a facebook, se quedo muy atras el posting. em fim

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