This blog may go on hiatus for an indefinite amount of time now. It's not the summer, it's me. As always, re-analysis of the situation is paralyzing. Just ask my novel.
my final message: an abstract version of a request -> K K K K K
* * *
Estoy pensando que el blog necesita un recreo. Así que por un tiempo indefinido creo que voy a dejar de escribir aquí. Salgan a divertirse, y nos vemos en el mail.
Monday, June 06, 2005
Repeat: Offender
Thursday, June 02, 2005
Celebrity Sighting a la chilena
Ayer cruzando el Parque Jeanne Mance, al costado de la "montana", escuche detras de mi a un hombre gritar "compadre!" y supe que era chileno, pero no me di vuelta a mirar porque para que?
Hoy al pasar por frente del bar electronico Laika (donde sirven pisco sour), vi a un tipo muy guapo y muy familiar... hmm.. si! Era Luciano, a quien una vez hace siglos atras entreviste por guapo. Asi me gusta el periodismo. Estaba con Pier Bucci, creo. Se me confunden los nombres, pero se perfectamente cual de los hermanos es porque cuando entrevista a Telefon Tel Aviv durante Mutek en 2003, el estaba ahi y me dijo que me encontraba cara de conocida, pero juraba que nos habiamos conocido ... en Berlin.
Y nuevamente estamos en temporada Mutek. Yo no le doy mas plata a esa gente. Villalobos no aparecio para una fiesta y no avisaron asi que perdi mis $25 y aunque hinche, no me los devolvieron. Yo no juego asi. Les saco la lengua. thpth, pero en mala.
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
excess stuff to say
Geez, I feel like I have a ton of trivial things to say. And the best part is I don't care if they ARE trivial. I don't even know who reads this anymore. It's certainly lost its original purpose of keeping a certain group of friends up to date on my all important life, because those friends don't even seem to read it. Some of them do, but... anyway, it's gone off its course and I don't even care! :)
I'm also writing this in English more and more, which is very annoying for everyone in Chile, but hey... si me conocen saben que yo no hago promesas.
What's up:
Button's getting married this Saturday. Very good.
I indirectly denied X's role in my life twice last week, but I feel I was justified since it's none of their business right?
Bought a cool mug in Orlando with the following faces on it: Malificent from Sleeping Beauty, Evil Stepmother from Snow White, Ursula from Little Mermaid, and Cruella Deville from 101 Dalmations. I love it. Embrace my evil "side" (aka "whole" heh)
I got a rash on my arm, possibly from intense sunbathing at the hotel pool on Monday. I hope it clears up before the wedding.
Gonna start reading A Man In Full (T. Wolfe), I promise.
Wish I could swallow an Encyclopedia Brittanica and actually remember everything in it. Why have I been damned with this spacey Aquarian memory??
Got emails from Luis, Gaby, and an invitation to a Sacred Heart mass in Chile. Another girl replied to All and said "I don't really *do* mass anymore..." Hilarious.
Josh Rouse.
Bright Eyes.
Rushmore soundtrack.
26 degrees.
Read a poem I really liked in the May 30 New Yorker. I think that's the second time that's ever happened. I'm trying to think of the best way to keep it (ie, not just cut it out and stick it in a box somewhere)
I got a call from a boy on a plane today. Very good.